parent and carer support groups

Information on our many parent and carer support groups is available via the links below. If you are interested in starting a new parent/carer support group, please get in touch with our Parent Support Coordinator to discuss your idea and see what help we can provide. You do not have to be using any other Pinarc service or have an NDIS plan to get involved with one of these groups. New members are always warmly welcomed to the support groups.

parent support program 2025


  • Ballarat Parent Carers Connect (previously Active Carers Group) is for parent/guardian carers of children and young adults with disability and additional needs who want to be more socially connected. A range of activities will be offered at different times and venues.

ballarat parent carers connect

  • Ballarat Autism Parent Connection Group meets monthly during school terms for a social morning tea and information sharing.

ballarat autism parent connection group

  • Ballarat Autism Early Years Connect is a parent-led play group supported by the Pinarc Parent Support Program. This group is for parents/carers supporting young children (0-12 years) with autism (a formal diagnosis is not required). Held on the first Thursday each month between 10am-noon at various locations in Ballarat.

ballarat autism early years connect

  • Bacchus Marsh Disability Parent Connection Group meets monthly usually at the Darley Neighbourhood House in Bacchus Marsh.

bacchus marsh disability parent connection group

  • Daylesford Disability Parent Group meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 10am at the Daylesford Bowling Club.

daylesford disability parent group

If you are interested in starting or joining a group in Ararat for parents and carers of children and/or young adults with disability please contact our Parent Support Program Coordinator to discuss.

Our Parent Support Coordinator publishes a monthly newsletter, filled with information and links to support initiatives. To receive the latest Parent Support Program Newsletter direct to your inbox please email Rebecca on and we will email it to you. Be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest information on new events coming up!



support for carers

We run a variety of information sessions and workshops for carers throughout the year. With the support of the Victorian Government’s ‘Support for Carers’ program we also hold a range of special social activities and events for carers and their families, such as movie screenings, visits to wildlife parks, and other fun activities. Information on these events is posted on our social media and promoted via our newsletter. Contact our Parent Support Coordinator on for more information.

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