ndis price guide update

The National Disability Insurance Agency have released an updated pricing arrangement, effective from 1 July 2024.

ndis price guide update

ndis therapy pricing and cancellations

This information sheet outlines our approach to pricing and cancellation of therapy appointments, in line with NDIA policies.

ndis therapy pricing & short notice cancellations

pinarc programs

This great two-page printable flyer is perfect for your fridge or noticeboard, or to share with friends. It gives a quick list of the services Pinarc provides. You can find more information on the services page of our website or by contacting us directly.

pinarc programs

choosing the right services

This checklist is designed to help you gather information to make good decisions about services for your child or family member.

choosing the right service

social story – transitioning back to school

This is a great resource developed by our Therapy and Education Services Team to support parents to prepare their children to return to school.

social story: transitioning back to school

memorial garden at golden point

This fact sheet gives some history of the William Dunstan memorial and information for interested people on accessing the garden at Golden Point.

william dunstan memorial garden fact sheet

for our suppliers – verifying your details

Pinarc has partnered with Eftsure to assist with the independent verification of supplier information prior to payment. Eftsure is a system that is robust and recognised for protecting supplier payments against fraud and error by validating information such as ABN and bank account details to ensure payments are made to the intended recipient.

eftsure fact sheet

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